Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Slipstream Issue Due Out Soon

Our 30th anniversary issue will be released this summer. It will include new poetry by Jenna Rindo, Carl Mayfield, Patricia Whiting, John Calvin Hughes, Mather Schneider, Robert Cooperman, Kathryn Howd Machan, Ed Taylor, James Valvis, Terry Godbey, Keith Alexander, John Marvin, Larry Crist, Lee Rossi, Mike Jurkovic, Chuck Teixeira, Eric Lee, Barbara Benoit, Sean Lause, Phil Gruis, Chris Vogt-Hennessy, E.R. Baxter, Daniel Hyndman, David Chorlton, Michael Basinski, Matthew Snyder, Harold Whit Williams, Eric Roy, Jonathan Greenhause, Laura Madeline Wiseman, Greg McBride, Heather Cousins, Gloria Parker, M. LaVigne, Greg Moglia, Cathyn Cofell, and Michael Kriesel. The issue also includes cover art by Lauren Simonutti and photography inside by both Simonutti and David J. Thompson.

More info on Slipstream can be found here:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Uploader Up and Running

You may not have noticed, but we now have a new uploader to submit manuscripts to our annual poetry chapbook contest. We can accept documents in a variety of formats including Word (.doc and .docx), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) and both rich text (.rtf) and plain text (.txt) formats. The uploader works on all browser platforms for both Windows and Mac.

To submit to the contest visit: